Release Type Reference Area Summary Description
837.35 New Feature EC#4610 Timesheets Allow each timesheet cell to be flagged as 'do not invoice' so the charge for that work is not added to the total Actual Charge of the job. "To enable this feature go to each security group and tick permission #200 "Allow Access to Do Not Invoice". To use this feature, right-click on a timesheet cell and tick the Do Not Invoice option - the time booked will appear pink to indicate the charge rate has been set to $0. In the Accounts sheet any timesheet cell flagged as 'do not invoice' will not appear. LIMITATION: in the Accounts Sheet, Actual Hours includes ALL hours booked regardless of the 'do not invoice' flag."
837.28 Issue EC#4655 Invoices Properly itemise expenses on the printed invoice when there are multiple entries of the same expense type.
837.21 Change EC#4640 Security Add new permission to allow users to edit Timesheet Activities. Write access to various subtabs on stages is protected from the User security group. This setting allows users to edit the Timesheet Activities subtab while still maintaining the appropriate level of access for other areas. To enable go to User Security Group Settings and tick permission #199 Allow Timesheet Activity Editing.
837.19 New Feature EC#4596 Accounts Allow a project to be invoiced in another currency. "eTrack allows projects to be tracked in other currencies but invoicing is done in the default currency. A new option allows for invoicing in the project currency. To enable this add the following setting to eTrack Settings under [options] DoNotConvertCurrencyInAccounts=1 When this setting is 1, the project will not be converted to the default currency when loaded in the Accounts tab."
837.12 Issue EC#4630 Checklists Fixed QA rollout feature to prevent duplicate rows being rolled out and correctly rollout header rows.
837.09 Issue EC#4607 Reports Fixed issue where the Activity / Time Report (gallery) was showing expense amounts including GST (where 'entry includes GST' was ticked on the expense). All values in the report are now ex-GST.
834.8 Issue EC#4524 Reports Fixed issue where Activity / Time report (gallery) returned no results when run on the 'projects' relationship under a project group.
834.13 Issue EC#4556 Documents Fixed crash in documents when editing tables.
834.08 Issue EC#4566 File Management Fixed issue where the backup file on the server was being saved after every keystroke when changing the document name in the editor. Now saves when you leave the field.
834.04 Change EC#4589 Invoices On Invoices tab, Discount $ has been renamed to Paid Write off $. Use this to record amounts such as $ not paid (bad debt), rounding or discrepancies due to currency conversions etc
834.04 Issue EC#4438 File Management Stripped invalid characters from file path when creating folders on the server. When saving folders/documents the file path on the server is a direct match to the tree path. eTrack allows special characters to be included in tree item names but these are not allowed by Windows so the folder creation fails in this case. Stripping the invalid character maintains naming flexibility while resolving this issue.
834.04 Issue EC#4527 Security Fixed issue where 'user' security group users could not tick checklist items or input details on new expenses even though the correct permissions were on.
834.04 Issue EC#4554 Documents Fixed issue where documents did not save changes to margins and page layout.
834.04 Issue EC#4583 Info Items Fixed issue where dates on info items were not saving.
834.04 New Feature EC#4539 Invoices New option to export invoices to MYOB. Manual step is required (see Description). 1. New Lookup Tax Codes with items GST, FRE, EXP and N-T
2. New info item Tax Code on Contacts (both Company and Individual contacts) linked to the Tax Code lookup. All existing and new Contacts have Tax Code set to GST by default.
3. Tax Code field on Expenses (Disbursements/Sub-Consultants) linked to the Tax Code lookup. All existing expenses have Tax Code set to GST for standard expenses or FRE for gst-exempt expenses. New expenses have no Tax Code and must be set by the user.
4. MANUAL STEP: Go to eTrack Settings in the tree On the Settings Details tab scroll down to the ACCOUNTING PACKAGE section and make sure the following option is set so it looks like AccountsExportOption=4 This option means the export will use the tax code from the client info item.
834.04 New Feature EC#4540 Timesheets Added feature to rollout out new timesheet activities from a template. "To add new timesheet activities to all existing projects based on a template: 1. Expand the tree to Project Templates and add the timesheet activities. 2. Right click and select Rollout... 3. Choose the options that you require and click Continue. 4. Press F5 refresh."
834.01 Issue EC#4538 File Management When saving a document on the server if any tree item that makes up the document path contains invalid characters, these are ignored. This ensures the folder creation does not fail.
833.21 Issue EC#4141 Reports When a report is exported to Excel, negative currency values do not have brackets so Excel can apply the Currency format and include the values in formulas.
833.21 Issue EC#4565 Rate Sets On the Person Details tab, changes to Charge Rate and Cost Rate are now processed separately (previously were combined into one action on leaving the tab). On the Person Details tab, changes to Charge Rate and Cost Rate are now processed separately (previously were combined into one action on leaving the tab). If you change either rate, upon leaving the field you will be prompted if you want to update the assignee rates. You will be given this option whether or not the Always Use rate checkbox is ticked.
833.08 Issue EC#4489 Contract Adminstration Fixed error where new or edited construction register items were not updating until the user logged out and in again.
833.06 Issue EC#4519 Accounts The Date Filter on Accounts sheet will now not allow a date to be selected if the filtered results include invoice entries that are linked to work items dated past the selected filter date.
833.02 Change EC#4452 Invoices On the Invoices tab, each column that displays $ values now has a Total shown.
833 Change EC#4190 General All Details screens now have a rich text editing ribbon
833 Issue EC#3637 Expenses/Disbursements Invoiced disbursements / expenses cannot be deleted or edited
833 Issue EC#3792 Reports When running the Budget report using the hyperlink from the Budget tab, the option (under Show in the search criteria dialog) selected by default matches the view of the Budget table eg: if View is Cost Rates, then Use Cost Rate is ticked.
833 Issue EC#4466 General Fixed display issue where Price Structure table could not be seen on small screens such as on small laptops.
833 New Feature EC#4469 Invoices Created new #TAGS that allow both fixed and hourly stages to be printed with details on the same invoice.
832.09 Issue EC#4482 Timesheets Fixed error that occurred when right-click timesheet work item and select Find option.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Provisional Sum to Construction Info tab
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Reason to Time Adjust register with lookup values of Weather, Variation and Other.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Status to Sum Adjust and Progress Claims construction registers.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Removed Attachment (column) from all construction registers.
832.06 Change none Documents Created fields that can be inserted into documents for Total Approved Sum Adjusts and Total Approved Progress Claims.
832.06 Change none Documents Document Status lookup values are now Draft and Complete.
832.06 Change none Documents Documents exported to PDF format are now of a quality that can be selected and copied and edited with the right software. An options dialog is displayed when exporting to PDF.
832.06 Change none Documents Improved quality of images in documents on screen and in exported formats.
832.06 Change none Documents Improved speed of loading a document.
832.06 Issue none Documents Fixed crash when using Save and Back to list button in a new register entry after editing a document that has not been saed in the editor.
832.06 Issue none Documents Fixed formulas in documents so they work when the formula references cells that have inserted fields.
832.06 Issue none Documents Fixed so are saved in headers/footers when using keyboard tab key.
832.06 Issue none Documents Headers / footers from document templates come through to new documents created.
832.06 New Feature EC#4373 Contract Adminstration In the Construction registers, Recipient is now linked to a new type/lookup called Contact List that will allow selection of contacts that are linked to the project. The Contact List is not linked to any contact group in the tree. Instead it is linked to the list of contacts associated to the project. On the Project Details tab drag any contacts from the tree to the Contacts list.
832 Change EC#3760 Contacts Removed Suburb field from Company details tab. Concatenated data to the City field.
824 New Feature BF30 Contract Adminstration Added Practical Completion Date section on Project Budget tab. Shows Orignal date (user entered) and Latest Date as per the Ajust of Time construction regsiter.
824 New Feature BF31 Contract Adminstration Added new fields to Project Budget tab that are visible if Contract Admin module is activated. Includes fields such as Retention and Approved Progress Claims.
823.58 Issue EC#4379 Contacts Fixed issue where eTrack stopped responding when users tried to add contacts.
823.53 Change EC#4364 Timesheets Improved usability of Timesheet Activity dropdown. 1. Removed [ ] when no Number field is set up. 2. Focus jumps to the first matching item in list when user types. 3. Dropdown resizes to show more items without scrolling.
823.42 Issue EC#4292 Documents Fixed issue where changes to document under a construction register were not saved if you went to another screen and then back to the document - you are now prompted to save.
823.26 Change EC#4003 Invoices Invoice To Date calculation Previously eTrack calculated the $Invoice To Date value (on the Project > Budget tab in the Price Structure table) when an invoice was printed. In the interim between creating and printing invoices this value did not match the total $Invoice on the Account Sheet. Now the $Invoice To Date value is calculated at the time the Invoice is created. Should you wish to maintain the old functionality add this to eTrack settings under [Options] InvoiceToDateCalc=1 With this setting only invoices with Invoice Status of ‘Printed’, ‘Exported’ or ‘Printed and Exported’ will be included in the $Invoice To Date value. A new hint on the $Invoice To Date column says which invoices are included based on the Option.
823.26 Change EC#4305 Reports Allow user to enter a date range when running a report for 'whole of office' Previously when a report was run from the top main menu (for whole of office) it used the default date range (current financial year). To make a report run for a user specified date range, tick Date Range on the Report Details Permissions tab. When the report is run the Gallery will be displayed allowing the user to enter a date range.
823.26 Issue EC#3751 General Warning message is displayed when user clicks Clear Login on Person Details
823.26 Issue EC#3945 Security Removed access to view cost rates in reports for users without permission The Activity/Time report and Budget report search criteria dialog have Cost Rate as an option. This option is now read only when the user is in a security group where permission #50 Access Labour Costs is OFF.
823.26 Issue EC#4016 Accounts Fixed bug that allowed Fixed Price checkbox to be changed when invoices exist
823.17 Issue EC#4286 Invoices Fixed issue where Date Paid and Paid $ on an invoice row became read only after printing invoice
823.17 Issue EC#4826 Invoices Fixed issue where Date Paid and Paid $ became read only after printing invoice
823.06 Issue EC#4396 / EC#4397 Timesheets Fixed bug where assignee rates were $0 instead of rate from rate set.
823.02 Issue EC#3638 Expenses/Disbursements On Expenses tab, Actual Charge / Cost correctly update when Units are changed
823.02 Issue EC#3821 Reports Project number column in custom report results will now sort alphanumerically
822.16 Change EC#4236 Notes On the Notifiy dialog Notify Date now defaults to today (was one month in future)
822.09 Change EC#3911 Notes Progress notes to allow entry of multiple note types On the Project Details tab and Stage Details > Progress Notes subtab, the Add Note dialog allows you to enter a note of any type (previously only notes of type ‘progress’ could be entered). Additionally the displayed list of notes can be filtered by note type. It will default to ‘Progress’ after login.
822.09 Change none General Date Types Many Date-type fields throughout eTrack have been changed so that dates can now only be selected from the calendar control and not typed directly into the field. Click or double-click in the field to display the calendar.
822.09 Issue EC#3908 General Improved the functioning of Information Item date fields The values in Information Items fields that are date types do not change when the user clicks in the field. Users without write access to information items cannot edit the value of dates. The ‘clear’ option on the right-click menu works correctly. Date fields have been changed so that dates can now only be selected from the calendar control and not typed directly into the field. Click or double-click in the field to display the calendar.
822.08 New Feature EC#3823 Reports Pre-filtering for custom reports via Additional Criteria and Save Criteria option to set default search criteria for all users. PRE-FILTER Added Additional Criteria fields to the Report Gallery search criteria so you can pre-define the filtering of the report results before running the report. The ‘column’ dropdown lists the report columns that can be selected for filtering, including information items. Select a column then select an ‘operation’ and a ‘value’. For date ranges, you must define the start date in one operation followed by the end date in the next operation. Pre-filtering can result in significant speed-ups when running reports. Limitation: A context specific list of values (for the Value picklist) cannot be determined prior to running the report. The reason is that a database field may be used for different Types and thus appear on multiple screens throughout eTrack. Note that a field is not identified by its label on the screen but the underlying definition in the code. In some cases the field is used widely and the picklist is very large as it will contain all possible values across all applications of the field. You are not restricted to selecting an item from the picklist - the field is editable so you can type the value you wish to search for, however it must be an exact match to be found. SAVE CRITERIA The Save Criteria button allows an administrator to set additional criteria for the report so that when other users login these are the default. The other users can run the report using different criteria if they wish but they cannot save new defaults. If a user changes the criteria when they logout and in again the saved criteria will display again. Any administrator who logins and removes the additional criteria will be prompted if they want to make these the new defaults. Save Criteria button is controlled by security group permission #22 Access to Report Writer (usually on for Admin only).
822.01 Change none Invoices Invoice Date On Invoices tab, Date To Invoice / Date Printed column has been renamed Invoice Date, date defaults to invoice entry from Account Sheet (if multiple invoice entries with different dates then newest date is used and all invoice entries are set to that date), date can be edited but not cleared (Clear Date removed from right-click menu), printing an invoice does not change the Invoice Date.
822.01 Issue EC#3949 Invoices Invoice date in Account Sheet reflects changes made in Invoices tab When the Invoice Date of an invoice is changed on the Invoices tab, the new date is reflected against all of the invoice entries in the Account Sheet that apply to that invoice.
822.01 Issue EC#4251 Schedule Resolution for Actuals not being displayed in Schedule In previous releases, when ticking the checkbox in the Schedule Options to display Actuals, a refresh was done but Actual values were not being loaded from the database. This was a bug introduced due to the reversing of a flag that was not changed in one place in the code. There was a work around: tick to include Actuals in the Schedule Open dialog. If Actuals had previously been loaded in the session such as by looking at a timesheet or running a report, then they would be displayed, which explains why it appears intermittent.
822.01 New Feature EC#4048 Invoices Invoice Print Preview The Print Preview feature allows you to see the invoice in the selected Invoice template without triggering any of the actions that printing an invoice does ie: generating an invoice number, changing Invoice Status or updating the Invoice To Date $ value. On the Invoices tab, right click on an invoice and select Print Preview from the popup menu.
822.01 New Feature none Invoices Invoice Status A new column has been added to the Invoices tab called Invoice Status. When an invoice is created Invoice Status will default to ‘Approved’. Invoices cannot be printed or exported when the Invoice Status is ‘Not Approved’. You can manually change the status from ‘Approved’ to ‘Not Approved’ however should you wish new invoices to default to ‘Not Approved’ please add this to eTrack settings under [Options] DefaultInvoiceStatus=0 The Invoice Status will automatically change as follows: • ‘Printed’ when the invoice is printed • ‘Exported’ when the invoice is exported • ‘Printed and Exported’ when the invoice has been both exported and printed (in either order) After an invoice has been printed the status cannot be manually changed. After an invoice has been exported the status cannot be manually changed however if you clear the batch number the status will return to ‘Approved’. NOTE: All existing Invoices will have a status of ‘Approved’ even though they may have been already printed and/or exported.
820.03 Change EC#4126 General Increase field size of Acronym field to 6 characters
819.02 Issue EC#3635 Schedule Fixed error where actions in the Schedule caused projects to become duplicated in the tree.
819.01 Issue EC#4138 General Can now forward delete text using the Delete keyboard key in Notes and Description fields.
819.01 Issue EC#4145 General Text entered as the Description on Contact Group and Resource Group tabs now saves correctly
819 Issue EC#4012 Security Enable type setting control of new and delete for construction registers The New and Delete buttons on RFI, Sum Adjust etc subtabs of a constuction are now enabled/disabled via Type Settings. 1. Go to Type Settings from the main menu. 2. Select RFI from the list on the left. 3. To allow users to create new RFIs untick #7 New Protected. To allow users to delete existing RFIs untick #4 Delete Protected. 4. Repeat for each register type: Adjustment of Time, Contract Instruction, Contract Sum Adjust, Defect, Insurance, Progress Claim, Progress Payment Certificate, Progress Report By default, #4 is ticked and #7 is unticked ie: users can create new but not delete.
819 Issue EC#4150 Documents After saving a document, tabs entered using the TAB key are preserved. Any tab entered via the TAB key into an embedded document in the eTrack editor are now preserved when saving. This corrects the error where where replaced by spaces upon saving. LIMITATION: tab markers are not preserved (any tab markers entered are lost when saving the document). Please use multiple keystrokes of the TAB key as required.
819 Issue EC#4167 Invoices Stages are now printed on the invoice in the same order as they appear in the tree.
817.08 Issue EC#4085 Timesheets Can now book time to Admin Tasks when Security Group permission #193 is ON - this restricts time being booked in the timesheet when ETC is 0.
817.03 Issue EC#4031 Timesheets ETC reduction corrected where ETC is set at a stage level. ETC now reduces correctly in the case where no people are assigned and  ETC is set for the stage in the budget grid, then time is booked and user goes to stage details tab. This fixes the error where ETC became 0 when switching screens after time was booked.
817.03 Issue EC#4040 Timesheets Stage gets ETC equal to time booked when time is booked to stage with no ETC and then stage is deleted from timesheet corrected the processing for increasing ETC when user reduces/deletes time booked to a stage that has 0 ETC
817.01 Issue EC#3813 Project Details In the Contacts list on Project Details, Individual and Company contacts now display without the parent. An Individual under a company shows parent company in brackets.
817.01 Issue EC#3930 Project Details On the Contacts list on Projects Details, can now add all contact types ie: Individual, Company and Individual under Company via both Find and drag and drop.
816.23 Issue EC#4030 Timesheets ETC not reducing when ETC set after time already booked and ETC goes to 0 when ETC edited after time is booked. ETC now reduces correctly in the case where people book time to a stage before ETC is defined for them, then ETC added and more time booked. Also in the case where time is booked to a stage, then the ETC is increased and more time booked.
816.19 Issue EC#3787 Notes The default sort order for notes on the Notes tab is by date - newest to oldest.
816.14 Issue EC#3917 Reports Activity / Time Report now groups disbursements with project timesheet data The Activity /Time report output now groups disbursements and timesheet data together for each project. Previously disbursements were listed separately at the end of the report.
816.14 Issue EC#3946 General Items in Assign To table on Stage Details visible when using resolution with height of 768 Adjusted display so that when using a resolution with height of 768, if there is more than 1 person in the assign to table on Stage Details, the entries are not hidden by the horizontal scrollbar that appears. Note: minimum resolution supported is 1024x768.
816.05 Issue EC#3972 Timesheets Fixed problem with saving the timesheet when booking to equipment (such as Travel).
816.03 Issue EC#4080 Security The Standard Time/Activity Report will only display the charge rates if user Security Group setting #4 (access labour charges) is set.
812.15 Issue EC#3663 Project Details Correct expenses displayed in Budget On the Project Budget tab, the Price Structure table has been corrected to display Planned Project Expenses.  It was incorrectly displaying Actual Project Expenses, however the Totals were correct.