Release Type Reference Area Summary Description
833.08 Issue EC#4489 Contract Adminstration Fixed error where new or edited construction register items were not updating until the user logged out and in again.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Provisional Sum to Construction Info tab
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Reason to Time Adjust register with lookup values of Weather, Variation and Other.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Status to Sum Adjust and Progress Claims construction registers.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Removed Attachment (column) from all construction registers.
832.06 New Feature EC#4373 Contract Adminstration In the Construction registers, Recipient is now linked to a new type/lookup called Contact List that will allow selection of contacts that are linked to the project. The Contact List is not linked to any contact group in the tree. Instead it is linked to the list of contacts associated to the project. On the Project Details tab drag any contacts from the tree to the Contacts list.
824 New Feature BF30 Contract Adminstration Added Practical Completion Date section on Project Budget tab. Shows Orignal date (user entered) and Latest Date as per the Ajust of Time construction regsiter.
824 New Feature BF31 Contract Adminstration Added new fields to Project Budget tab that are visible if Contract Admin module is activated. Includes fields such as Retention and Approved Progress Claims.