Release Type Reference Area Summary Description
958 Change E#1410 Invoices Two changes on the Invoices screen. 1 Preview now displays a PDF file instead of a read-only Excel file. 2. The ‘Save To’ button has been changed to ‘Send To’ and now has a menu with \'File\' and \'Email\' options. \'File\' does the same as \'Save To\' did. \'Email\' will email the ticked Invoices (xls or pdf or both) to the Email1 address of the logged in user. The same option is available on the right-click menu that applies only to the selected invoice. Email is sent immediately using [email protected] with ReplyTo set as [email protected]. A list of invoice numbers is in the email body and the email Subject is: eTrack Invoices for :
957.1 Change E#1403 Email Send sync now has a setting to auto file emails that is separate to the auto file inbox setting. To enable sync and file of sent emails for all staff please contact eTrack Support for a script.
957.0 Change E#1223 Accounts Fixed Adjustments are now created by entering invoice $ greater than To Bill. This makes it consistent with how Prebill adjustments are created. Prebill and fixed Adjustment features are available in Arch database configurations and can be created on work where invoices can be created and fee type is time-based. Prebill requires this line in eTrack Settings under [options] Prebill=1 and security group setting #38 write access to account sheet. Fixed Adjustments requires security group settings #38 and #159 write access to adjustment column. Previously fixed Adjustments were created by right-click > new adjustment and entering an Adjustment$ then including that in the Invoice$. It was possible to invoice a partial amount and no way to delete the remainder. Now the user can simply enter an Invoice$ greater than To Bill. If neither feature is enabled then eTrack will reset Invoice$ to the To Bill amount. If either or both features are enabled then a dialog is shown prompting the user to choose a) to bill b) prebill (if enabled) or c) adjustment (if enabled). eTrack will create the Prebill or fixed Adjustment entry selected and set the Adjustment$ to Invoice$ minus To Bill. Prebill adjustments are offset by future labour charges and fixed Adjustments are not offset. Both are automatically deleted when the invoice entry they are linked to is deleted. To show the total adjustment amount in an invoice use ##invoice#adjustment
956.1 Change E#1344 Invoices Invoice Due Date can now be calculated using payment terms set on the project. It is now possible to create an info item field on the Project using a new type \'payment terms\' to record the payment term applicable to each project. Invoice Due Date = invoice date + project payment terms. If that field does not exist then invoice Due Date = invoice date + [options] InvoicePaymentTermsInDays. If that setting does not exist then invoice Due Date = invoice date + 14.
956.0 Change E#1351 Invoices Updated invoice export to XERO so it is compatible with the new XERO authentication requirements. Applies to new accounts. To setup refer to user guide G on the website.
955.2 Change E#1391 Reports Improved grouping functionality including the ability to collapse on tab reports (previously only available in the Gallery). Reports (both Gallery and tab reports) can be grouped to multiple levels with correct totals being displayed for each level. Right click on any field in any column and select Group By … to group by that item. Repeat for multiple Groups. Right click to Ungroup. The ‘Collapse All’ / ‘Expand All’ button will apply to the lowest level of grouping. This allows one report to be used to show the detail and a summary.
954.9 Change E#1380 Documents Changed Document Properites Contact dropdown to only list contacts from the Company if one is selected. Also Parent field will now populate with the project when the document is created from a folder.
954.6 Change E#1245 Notes Enabled Spell Check and Tools menu and cleaned up the filter list so it only includes All plus the defined filters. Also added a new feature to include timesheets. Notes are now able to list timesheet comments. To enable this feature add this line to eTrack Settings under [Options] IncludeTimesheetCommentsInProgressNotes=1 This setting adds (and defaults) a new filter \'All + Timesheet Comment\' Timesheet Comments are labelled as such and appear in chronological order with other notes. To improve load times when there a lot of notes add this line to eTrack Settings under [Options] and set n to any number. ProgressNotesLoadSize=n eTrack will load n notes at a time. The user can click the More button to load the next n notes. There is a also a button to \'show all\' notes. The Find (binoculars icon) can be used to search for a text string across all notes.
952.6 Change E#145 Accounts Changed how some of the Accounts filters work. a) \'Show Inactive\' has been renamed \'Show Only Active\' for consistency across other functions. Previously only inactive stages within projects were hidden but now inactive projects are also hidden. It defaults ON so inactive items are hidden; untick to show them. b) All Work button has been removed. Ticking it would show time based stages with no actual charges that were hidden by default. These stages are now always shown unless hidden by another filter.
951.3 Change E#1200 Email Don\'t enable Tasks unless Email=1 is set
948.10 Change E#1048 Utilities Bulk lock of empty timesheet weeks. The \\\'Update Timesheet & Expense Status\\\' utility has been enhanced so that it can lock timesheet weeks that are blank. The \\\'lock\\\' function is controlled by a setting so will only be available to users with access to it.
948.0 Change E#1098 Tree Improved the way items are deleted. A deleted item is now moved to the bin with its child items still related (previously each item was moved separately); this makes restoring it easier as don\\\'t need to rebuild the structure. If there are any timesheets or expenses, a deletion will not be allowed. Users will need to delete (or move) these first - this is to prevent accidental deletion of active projects.
948.0 Change E#519 Security Increased security of access to items in the tree. Removed Explore from the tree of all users. Only users with security group permission #8 (access to admin settings) have access to Navigation under Settings and menu option \\\'show explore navigator\\\'.
947.24 Change E#111 Notes Enhanced the Notify function on notes. The Notify dialog has been replaced with an Email dialog. Subject is editable and can optionally include the notification date. The email address of the selected recipient is displayed or warning if email address is blank (send is disabled in this case). Time removed from what was previously Notification Date/Time that ensures notifications are not delayed to the next day. Changed Notify button label to Email and restored the button to the Notes tab. This feature is compatible with both local and hosted eTrack (previously only local).
944.5 Change E#855 Reports Changed how the active flag on reports behaves. If a report is inactive then it will not be listed in the reports Gallery. A report tab will run its associated report even if it is inactive. If a report group is inactive then all reports in that group will not be listed in the reports Gallery even if the reports themselves are still active.
944.2 Change E#838 Email Use of Keywords to select Emails to import has been improved with helptips . Note each Keyword must be on a separate line.
944.12 Change E#20 Transmittals Transmittal fields are now be available through the Report Details Insert Field dialog by selecting the \"Transmittal\" field at the bottom of the list of fields.
944.1 Change E#353 E#733 General Hid Contract Value on Project Tab as it was incorrectly showing Project Fee and also a security issue for some clients.
944.0 Change E#20 Transmittals Console replaces the Transmittal Document Template used plus fixes the transmittal table.**Please add your header and footer to the Document.**
944 Change E#558 Budget For each staff member, if the Target Billed Hours was 0 (see Settings/Administration) it has been set to be the same as the Standard Working Hours.
944 Change E#741 Performance Projects listed under a Person (whatever the relationship, eg ‘owns’) are hidden if they have the status of Closed, Archived, Complete, Completed or On Hold. You can define other statuses to be hidden by listing them after ‘CompleteStatus’ in eTrack Settings. If you wish to NOT hide these projects please contact eTrack Support as there is a flag controlling each relationship that can be toggled.
944.0 Change E#741 EC#6090 Performance Inactive projects/jobs are now hidden in lists under a Staff Member (eg owns relationship) to improve performance and usability.
944.0 Change E#789, E#812-1 Schedule All project schedules have been changed to ‘Fixed Schedule’ = OFF.This means red ETC bars will automatically move forward as work is done and the day progresses. If you want to fix your schedule ETC (so the red bar may be in the past if not enough time booked) please tick the Fixed Schedule checkbox on the Project Budget tab. (If have a lot or projects to do please ask eTrack for a script.)
944 Change E#812-1 Schedule All projects have been changed to have ‘Fixed Schedule’ Off. This means that schedules (ETC/red bars) will automatically move forward as the day moves forward and not enough time is entered (Actual/green bars). If you would like to Fix the Schedule that means it does not move, then please tick the ‘Fixed Schedule’ checkbox on the Project Budget tab. If you would like this done to all projects please request a script from eTrack Support. The effect of Fixed Schedules is that ETC (red bars) can exist in the past and must be manually adjusted by the project manager. Please see Schedule User Guide for more information.
943.6 Change Documents If a problem occurs when exporting a file for example due to broken link, eTrack now halts the export process, tells you why it didn\'t work and how many files weren’t exported.
943.6 Change Documents The order of the columns in the Document tab have changed to be more relevant and usable.
943.56 Change E#620 Timesheets The ‘Approve Timesheet’ menu item has been changed to ‘Update Timesheet Status’ and the utility rewritten to be faster and more accurate.
943.54 Change E#752 Email Added ability to remove a Reference from an Email, click the v icon and select Remove. Prevented From/To/CC/BCC from being deleted from received emails. References added via drag/drop are placed at the end of the list (below the ADD button).
943.52 Change E#737 Expenses/Disbursements You can now attached any file type to an Expense. To enable this feature select Setup/eTrack Settings and under [Options] on a row on its own add ReceiptImages=1 The add the File scroll to the far right of Actual Expenses and click the button.
943.5 Change Performance Significant Tree performance improvements by eliminating unnecessary database queries during refresh.
943.5 Change E#448 Reports The Date selection in the Reports Gallery has been changed to be more intuitive. Use ‘All Dates’ View to select either ‘All Dates’ or ‘All Dates To’ a specified date. To select ‘Today’ use the Date Range View and click on ‘Today ’ text. Use ‘Date Range’ view to select start and end date from two calendars. Dragging a selection or using click followed by Shift+Click will also define a date range in the Day and Week views. The Week view now uses Start Date of the Week (defined in eTrack Settings: StartDayOfWeek). Note the Calendar will still show Monday as the left column. The year selected in the Financial Year View now defines the end of the year selected. Note: Financial Year is currently restricted to 1 July to 30th June (Australian Financial Year).
943.32 Change GapK Contacts Added State and Country to PO Address.
943.3 Change Expenses/Disbursements The Expenses tab on a Staff Member now has the ability to filter by Entry Type in the right menu and now shows totals when filtered.
943.3 Change General The Settings accessed via the cog icon top right has been re-laid out to use buttons not tabs. The User tab has been renamed to “My Preferences”. The System tab has been renamed to “Login and Security”.
943.3 Change Invoices To change the Invoice Numbering, select Types and the first sub level Details tab. To set the next invoice number type the new value in and click the Reset button. This is independent of the Type selected.
943.3 Change Performance Exclude closed projects from under staff to make more usable when clicking Schedule or Accounts icon with the staff member selected in the tree. Projects with Complete, Closed or Archived Status are filtered out of Relationships under a staff member to make these lists shorter to navigate and faster to access. This is controlled by a setting on each blue allowed relationship so if you would like any to show all past Jobs please contact support.
943.3 Change Reports In the Report Gallery you can easily hide Reports you are not using by making inactive. Expanding Setup/Reports/… and double click the Report you want to hide in the Report Gallery for all staff. Click the green Active button top right to make Inactive. To hide a whole Report Group in the Report gallery for all staff then select the Report group in the tree and click the green Active button top right to make Inactive (the reports under it can stay active).
943.20 Change E#347 Documents Document and File Revisions Document Revisions can be enabled by ticking security permission 190. To create a Revision, right click on the Document in the Document tab or in the tree and select ‘Create Revision’. A copy of the Document is taken and the original document moved to under the copy. The revision number is an integer at the end of the Document Number. This is incremented for the newly created Document. e.g. 1458-2 is revision 2 of document number 1458. To view Revisions, either expand the tree under the Document, or right click on a Document row in the Document tab and select ‘Show Past Revisions’ (click ‘Back to Documents’ to go back). When opening a previous revision of a document, eTrack will display a prompt message asking the user if they want to view the most current version of the document instead, or to open the one they searched for. This occurs when documents are edited, exported, printed or emailed. If the Document is a link to a file on the Fileserver, a copy of the Document is taken on the File Server and the name changed to reflect the new revision number. It is placed in the same directory as the original Document.
943.15 Change B#648 Budget The Margin $ and Markup % calculations have changed to match standard accounting definitions. Refer to the user guide.
940.3 Change E279 Invoices The font of the Invoice Note in the Invoices tab has been changed to Courier New. This is a fixed font and allows the user to preview the spacing that will print on the Invoice when fixed fonts are set in the Invoice Template. The formatting toolbar of the Invoice Note has been removed since it was always saved as plain text.
940.12 Change Contacts When selecting a Company or a Contact there is an option to see the address displayed in Google Maps. This defaults to off and the user can choose to turn it on. In some cases, you may not wish staff to access Google Maps at all due slowing down Internet access for others. To do this expand Setup in the tree and double click eTrack Settings. Scroll down to find [Options] and add a new row: HideGoogleMaps=1 Click Save and then click another item in the tree. Logout and in again for the change to take effect.
940.12 Change Contacts You can now choose whether to display the Suburb on Companies and Contacts. Default is not to. To show the Suburb, expand Setup in the tree and double click eTrack Settings. Scroll down to find [Options] and add a new row: DisplaySuburb=1 Click Save and then click another item in the tree. Logout and in again for the change to take effect. Note that Suburb will not print on invoice templates unless the templates are updated to use new tags. Standard address format in invoice templates use City.
940.12 Change Reports In the Report Gallery you can hide the Reports you are not using by expanding Setup/Reports, expanding to find the Report you want to hide and double clicking it, then clicking Active button top right to make Inactive.
940.12 Change Schedule In the Schedule tab there is My Work button at the top that shows you just the scheduled work (ETC red bars) of the selected staff member. This is now editable for staff members if you wish (see More…) In the Schedule tab there is My Work button at the top that shows you just the scheduled work (ETC red bars) of the selected staff member. Normally this is not allowed to be edited since won’t update dependant work items, and also typically the manager does these updates while looking at the whole project. However, if the work items are independent of one another, and you wish the staff members to update their own schedule, then you can now make the My Work editable. (This is a Global Setting and not selective to the user.) To turn on expand Setup in the tree and double click eTrack Settings. Scroll down to find [Options] and add a new row: EditScheduleMyWork=1 Click Save and then click another item in the tree. Logout and in again for the change to take effect.
940.12 Change Security Every Person, every Document and every Email can now have an “Access Level” that is a simple Integer. Users can only see Documents and Emails that have an Access Level equal or less than their own Access Level. The higher the Access Level the more secure the Document or Email is.To change the Access Level of a Person, click Settings (cog icon top right), click Login and Security and in the Security section change the Access Level.To change the Access Level of an Email, select the Email and change Access Level under References in the grey area.To change the Access Level of a Document, find the Document in the tree and double click it to show the Details tab. Select the Details tab and edit the Access Level Details field near the bottom. The default access level of a new email or document is the access level of the user that creates it.
940.12 Change E#319 Reports The Date Filter used for reports has been improved. You don’t need the Shift key. Instead click once for the Start Date, then click again for the End Date.
940.0 Change Documents A new advanced Find has been provided in the Document tab by clicking the Find button. You can add multiple search criteria and filters. To search Documents across the whole system, click the magnifying glass in the panel between the tree and the Document tab. The functionality now exists but this user interface is being improved.
940.0 Change Documents eTrack now supports linked Documents that have a file path longer than 260 characters.
940.0 Change Settings Added use of mouse scroll wheel plus added Search to Settings.
940.0 Change Settings The Settings (cog icon top right) has been re-laid out to use buttons not tabs. User tab has been renamed My PreferencesAdmin tab has been renamed AdministrationSystem tab has been renamed Login and SecurityInvoice Numbering is under Settings/Types at the bottom of Details tab.
940.0 Change Tree Projects with Complete, Closed or Archived Status are filtered out of Relationships under a staff member to make these lists easier to navigate and faster to access. For example, under Staff Member/owns or Staff Member/Project Architect there are only Projects with a Status of Prospect or Current, not Projects with status of Closed, Complete or Archived. Please let support know if you would like this changed.
939.26 Change EC#5911 B#603 Invoices Fixed invoice sort function. Added options to set column to sort by and sort order (default is descending). Invoices can be sorted by clicking the relevant column header or via right-click > Sort > Ascending/Descending. Note that a ‘string’ sort is performed so does not apply to currency or integer values. Auto sort is disabled by default. It can be enabled by adding this line to eTrack Settings under [Options] where x is the column position eg: Invoice Date column is 11. InvoiceSheetSortColumn=x The default order is Descending (newest to oldest) and can be changed to Ascending by adding this line to eTrack Settings under [Options] InvoiceSheetSortDescending=0 The Sort Column is the column number counting from the left in the Invoice tab starting at 0. Click Save and then click another item in the tree. Logout and in again for the change to take effect.
939.24 Change GR#346 Settings Added Type Setting 94 Always Show Number that displays Number in the tree; for types such as Transmittal that do not do so by default.
939.23 Change E#128 Settings Changed Invoice Numbering from a Global setting to a Type Setting so that multiple invoice numbering systems can be set, for instance if there are multiple project types.
939.2 Change EC#6015 Budget The calculations for the new fields added in EC#5354 have been corrected to include only those sub-consultants / expenses where To Invoice / Add to Price is ticked. The figures should reflect only what is going to be billed.
930.3 Change B#115 Email The Filed folder now only shows emails filed by the logged in user. Shared emails (non private filed emails by other users) are only listed on the Reference folder for the referenced items.
930.16 Change EC#5890 General Panel View has been switched off in the interest of stability.
930.16 Change EC#5893 Budget Planned Expenses have been removed from the Price Structure table so that the total displayed equals the sum of the items listed.
930.16 Change EC#5953 Accounts An optional confirmation warning has been added to the Account Sheet to avoid unnecessary loading times. To enable, go to eTrack Settings in the tree > underneath [Options] add ConfirmAccountSheetLoad=1 on a line all by itself. The warning appears if the selected tree item is not a type for which invoice entries can be created or is not the roll up level for invoices or not configured as a custom parent.
923.01 Change EC#5799 Expenses/Disbursements Approved Expenses are read only. Only staff with security permission 2 can approve or unapproved an Expense. This is the same permission that controls approving a weekly timesheet.
923.01 Change F9#45 General When deleting items the confirmation dialog no longer pops up listing all Relationships that will be removed along with the deletion.
922.01 Change EC#5467 Settings If security permission 49 is ticked for user security group, users will be able to edit Assignee Plan and ETC hours
922.01 Change F2 Reports Billing Contact field has been added to the WIP Report
922.0 Change EC#5571 Settings Permissions 56 and 57 turned off for Lookups and Lookup Values to allow for admin users to delete lookups.
921.29 Change GE24 Reports \\\'Reimbursable\\\' field has been added to Activity Time Expense ER110 Report and Time and Expense Report
921.21 Change Tree Performance enhancements made to the tree
921.04 Change EC#5739 Project Details Changes to Stage Summary table on a project Text in To Bill changed to \'Click to Load\'. Unbilled Charge hint corrected to \'Actual Charge-Invoiced\'. To Bill hint removed for clarity
921.03 Change Documents The ‘Calculate’ button in the document editor will calculate formulas entered in cells, when prefixed with ‘=’.
921.0 Change EC#5717 General Significant improvements made to log-on time
920.10 Change EC#5480 Tree New projects can no longer be created from the right click menu in the tree. To create a new project, use the \'New\' button above the search bar.
920.04 Change EC#5604 Email Display of Email Inbox has been sped up by loading one page at a time when scrolling the list, removing the Grouping (by date) and limiting the Preview List mode to show 3000 items.
918.14 Change F9#02 Performance Improved speed when running Job WIP Report (by Manager).
912.01 Change 9112.jw20 Settings Added ability for user to reset Next Number for Project via Settings > Types.
907 Change ESR11249A11 Timesheets Enhanced Time Capture to record time periods which can be viewed via a report.
861.8 Change E166 Email Added Signature to Reply / Reply All and Forward emails. It is the same signature as that used for new messages.
861.6 Change none General Updated error reporting to be compatible with new email provider and added return email address of sender to report details.
861.10 Change none Timesheets Added sort by Parent Name to Timesheet and renamed sort by name to sort by entry name.
860.2 Change EC#5197 Timesheets Enhanced Time Capture utility so it is compatible with engineering configurations.
860.1 Change EC#5181E Invoices In the Export to MYOB populate Category from an Information Item called MYOB Category on the Project.
860.10 Change EC#5226 Accounts When a new invoice entry is created and a value entered for Invoice $ the Status will automatically be set to To Invoice. To exclude an invoice entry from the invoice being created change the Status to On Hold.
859 Change EC#5194 eTrackTasks Changed the way eTrackTasks.exe works to run scheduled tasks. The eTrackTasks application now references an input file to get details of the task to run. Each task requires its own file and separate Windows Scheduled Task to run. The Schedule tab of eTrackConsole has been removed - this is where scheduled tasks were previously defined. Also fixed an issue with the auto backup process.
858.1 Change EC#5195 Utilities Updated the Document Link Utility so it accepts input from a file. This allows a user to define a tree node where the utility is to be run when it is launched by the eTrackTasks application as a scheduled task.
857.8 Change SVT#1186 Schedule When you click on a cell with a red bar (ETC) the status bar at the bottom will display who last modified (or created) it and when.
856.8 Change EC#5006 Invoices The Import Comments function on the invoice notes dialog will now also include all timesheet comments for the fixed price stages linked to the invoice.
855.1 Change EC#5119 Reports Added Cost column to the Activity/Time Summary Report that is only visible to users in security groups with access to labour costs.
854.5 Change none Invoices Added new tags for use in custom invoice templates.
854.4 Change EC#5067 Security Re-enabled override of Admin Delete Protected items for Administrator security group.
854.3 Change SVT#1162 Expenses/Disbursements Added a new [option] for the Expense Export called PurchaseOrderNumber where you can define a constant value for the Purchase# field in the export file to get around MYOB defaulting a value when it finds a blank Purchase#.
854.11 Change EC#4989 Timesheets Provided settings so that users cannot add tasks or rates from the timesheet (engineering config). 1. Created new security group permission #205 Allow Access to Add Task in (Eng) Timesheet. It defaults to ON. When OFF users can only choose from a list of Tasks to which they are assigned.
2. Improved the functioning of security group permission #139 Allow Booking to Assignees of Work in Timesheet. When OFF, users cannot select another Rate.
854.11 Change SVT#1164 Schedule Added a new eTrack Settings [options] ScheduleWeeklyViewReadOnly. When set to 1 the Schedule cannot be edited when the Resolution is Hours/Week.
854.0 Change EC#5098 Documents A document template is now required to have a TYPE associated with it. The associated TYPE will give the template context of where documents created from it are intended to be used eg Stage or RFI. This will provide more direct navigation to fields to insert. If you need assistance creating document templates please contact eTrack Support.
853.3 Change W194 Security Added new security group permission #204 Write Access to Dashboards to control which user groups can edit dashboard settings.
853.2 Change EC#4993 Transmittals On Transmittals tab if a transmittal includes a document that is not linked in eTrack it can be still be recorded via Add Doc Name button that allows the user to type the Document Name.
853.1 Change EC#5076 General Fixed crash when creating a new item in the tree under an item listed in the Find Results.
853.1 Change EC#5088 Reports Changed Export button to Backup that creates a backup file of the report and saves it to the Report Path as defined in Console.
853.0 Change EC#5067 General Tidied up various configuration options and settings and tightened security in regards to access to delete functions. In this release the security group permission to override the setting that makes types delete protected has been turned OFF. This is in response to several cases where users with this override enabled have deleted high level items such as whole contact groups which is difficult to restore. Admin users may find that they now cannot delete various types in the tree. If you are an Admin user and cannot delete items that you should have access to delete you can go to Tools > Type Settings and for each type you need to delete untick permission #57 Admin Delete Protected. The config changes include unticking the Fixed Price flag where it is not required, adding Calendars if missing and disabled Timesheet and Assignee utilities in engineering databases.
852.3 Change D173 File Management Changed the format of directories on the server to include both number and name (or acronym) where previously only projects included number. Also fixed issue where name could not be edited for new items.
851.3 Change none Documents The Favourites tab on the Insert Fields dialog has been replaced. The new function allows you to browse to the screen and field you require. This is easier to use and will resolve several issues of wrong or no data shown and errors with some fields.
851.10 Change D202 File Management If a project folder exists in the document path but is not linked to the matching project in the tree, when a file operation is performed eTrack will create a link to that folder (previously was creating a duplicate folder).
851.1 Change EC#4916 Reports Added Approval Status column to Activity/Time Report to show if the timesheet cell is Approved or Not Approved. Note that an individual timesheet cell may be approved separately even though the Timesheet Week status is Draft or Complete.
849.32 Change EC#4973 Email Added support for TLS protocol - to choose a protocol go to the User Accounts dialog, tick Use SSL and then select a protocol from the dropdown.
849.31 Change no ref Documents Enhanced the Doc Link Utility so it can also be run on a project template.
849.30 Change EC#4920 Expenses/Disbursements Changed Totals table so the amounts are ex-GST only. Previously it was adding the charge/cost of all actual expenses as entered by the user even if \\\'entry includes GST\\\' was ticked.
849.10 Change EC#4883 Accounts Adjustments reinstated to Accounts sheet for Architect database configurations. Adjustment feature has been reinstated and the rules tightened. Adjustments are available in Architect database configurations only. The Adjust$ column is visible in the Accounts sheet when the [option] ShowAdjustment=1 exists in eTrack Settings. Adjustments can be entered by users who have write access to the Accounts Sheet AND write access to the Adjust$ column as per security groups permissions 38 and 159. This can be set up by an Admin user. A New Adjustment entry is allowed on any Type where a new Invoice entry is allowed as per Type Setting 86 but is limited to Time-Based work – Fixed Price / % work can simply have the Price edited. To add an Adjustment right-click on the work item, select Add New Adjustment entry then enter an amount in Adjust$ column. The Adjustment amount increases WIP so you can bill more than the work done to date. Whilst not invoiced the amount can be edited or the entry deleted via Reverse Adjustment option on the right-click menu. Once an Adjustment has been fully or partially taken up in an invoice, its status will change to \\\'invoiced\\\' and it cannot be edited or reversed. Note that Adjustments do not appear as line items on printed invoices – the amount is simply included in the invoice total. We suggest adding an invoice note eg: This invoice includes an Adjustment of $x. If the purpose of the Adjustment is to bill in advance (rather than simply billing extra) then the process would be to write-off WIP, up to the value of the Adjustments, from labour that is subsequently booked to timesheets.
849 Change GB#66 Invoices The PO# field on the Invoices tab is now a dropdown listing PO#s if an Information Item of type PO# exists. This usually applies to Engineering databases where Scope Changes are configured. If none exist the field remains as an editable field.
848.5 Change SVT#1082 Schedule Autosave files are now saved to the Backup directory on the server as set in eTrackConsole (default is c:\\etrack\\Backup). Users must have write access to this location. Filenames include the user\'s name.
848.4 Change EC#4788 General Added Refresh button to custom register tabs so user can update to reflect changes made. This is an interim solution to address an issue where a register does not update when an entry is deleted - the entry is deleted from the database and the tree refreshes but the custom tab requires the underlying report to be re-run. An auto-refresh will be implemented in a future release.
847.3 Change EC#4888 Reports New columns added to Efficiency Report per Week (in the Gallery): Standard Hours (from Person Details tab) and Reimbursability % (Billable Hours/Standard Hours).
846.26 Change E198 Email Added an \"Are you sure?\" prompt when selecting Remove Account from the User Accounts dialog.
846.26 Change S093 General Added Copy, Paste and Cut functions to the right-click menu for grids and fields throughout eTrack and Copy/Paste for checklist items. Various fields now have copy/paste/cut options via the right-click menu. On Checklist tabs the entire Task text can be copied or pasted using Copy Text and Paste Text options. Some fields (those with a yellow background) such as on the Company Details and Person Details tabs are not compatible with this function.
846.22 Change E116 Email Added BCC function to new emails.
846.22 Change E199 Email Added ability to add a reference to multiple emails at once via the right-click menu or new Add Reference button in the main toolbar.
846.20 Change D174 Utilities Updated Document Link Utility to exclude all system and hidden files.
846.12 Change GB#69 Reports Timesheet Report headings renamed to Number (was Task#) and Name (was Task).
846.12 Change GB#75 Timesheets Increase column width of Task and Rate columns on the Timesheet tab in Engineering databases.
846 Change D103 File Management Changed the default behaviour when saving embedded documents to not save backups in the document path as this is redundant. If you want to save backups (in Word format) of embedded documents, add this line to eTrack Settings under [options] SaveBackupOfEmbeddedDocuments=1
845.2 Change EC#4823 Accounts New rules for Write Off to ensure correct calculation of WIP. The Write Off column in the Accounts tab will only accept positive values. For time-based stages, write-off can be entered at the Stage, Person, Date (hours) and Expense rows. When entered at Stage or Person levels the amount is distributed to Date and Expense rows below. Once an Date / Expense row has an amount written off the Status becomes ‘invoiced’ which makes the items read only in the Timesheet / Expenses tab. For Fixed Price stages only expenses can be written off, to alter WIP edit the Price.
843.5 Change EC#4839 Documents On the Insert Field dialog in the eTrack editor, there are new fields for Project Manager and Job Sub Captain under the Project heading on the Favourites tab.
843.1 Change EC#4484 Expenses/Disbursements Disbursements subtab of a Person has been updated so the list can be filtered by Date and there is a Print button to access the Actual Expenses Report.
843 Change EC#4678 Contract Administration Added Type to Sum Adjust register of Constructions with lookup values of Client Requested, Architect Variation, Provisional, Contingency and Contractor Claim.
841.1 Change S092 Accounts The types under which Invoice Entries in the Accounts tab can be created is now controlled by Type Settings. The default types are Stage, Phase, Opportunity, Disbursements, Sub-Consultants and Variations. If you are using different terminology or wish to create Invoice Entries under a different Type please select Tools>Type Settings, select the Type on the left and tick permission #86 Allow Invoice Entries in Accounts under Type. It is important that invoice entries are only created at the same level - if invoice entries exist at multiple levels, for instance at both the project and stage level, this will result in an incorrect WIP calculation and invalidate the Accounts on the project..
840.8 Change EC#3688 Budget The way Price is calculated for % Based stages (ie: Fixed Price ticked and Lump Sum not ticked) has changed to Price = % of Contract * Contract Fee. This applies to the Project Budget tab (Price structure table) and Stage Details tab (Cost Structure section). If you would like to use the old formula ie: Price = % of Contract * [Contract Fee - sum (lump sum Prices)] add this line to eTrack Settings under [Options] PercentofContractCalc=1
840.6 Change EC#4501 Documents Document Link Utility changed so it does not create duplicate project folders. The Document Link Utility has always matched on Project Number only ie: it links documents to projects where a folder name in the Document Path contains a Project Number in eTrack. Previously it also created a folder in the Document Path named Project# ProjectName if one did not exist. This last step has been removed.
840.6 Change EC#4782 General Name fields such as Client and Owner now display names in First Name Surname format (previously was Surname, First Name)
840.14 Change D146 Documents Removed Save As Managed option from New Document - Attach File dialog.
840.12 Change EC#4777 Budget If Lump Sum on a stage is not ticked, Price cannot be edited as it is calculated as a % of Contract Fee.
840.11 Change EC#4751 Planning Tasks (engineers) Added new option Insert Copy on right-click menu that creates a new task like Insert After but has the Task Name copied from the selected task.
840.11 Change ESR1197A.3 Contacts Changed the label of field Home Phone to Other Phone.
838.33 Change D133 Documents Double-click an embedded document name in the tree and the document opens in the Editor (shortcut for right-click>Edit>Document).
838.33 Change D136 Documents Documents tab will now list documents for the selected tree item only. Previously the Documents tab listed all documents for the selected tree item plus all documents for its child items that was slow to load. Now each child item eg:stage is also listed and can be double-clicked to expand down to it\'s document list .
838.33 Change EC#4722 Accounts Adjustments column (to Bill in Advance) removed from Accounts sheet. The functionality to increase WIP via an adjustment (Adjust$ column) has been removed. To Bill in Advance for time-based work: go to the Disbursements subtab on the stage (or Disbursements stage in the tree), click Add Disbursement, select the item called Adjustment and set the Actual Charge to the amount you want to bill in advance. Once the work has actually been done, you can write off the new charges via the Write Off column in the Accounts tab.
838.33 Change EC#4757 Invoices Clients that are couples or individuals are now properly catered for in the invoice export. For couples, on the Company/Couple Details screen tick the new checkbox ‘Is a Couple’. Then create individual contacts for each person and set one of these as the Billing Contact. The invoice export will take the first name, last name and (street) address of the Billing Contact. For individuals the export has been fixed to export name and address correctly.
838.28 Change S070 Timesheets Timesheet tab layout improvements 1. Added TODAY button for quick return to the current week. 2. Book To column widened. 3. Removed \"hint\" text and extra Activity dropdown field.
838.27 Change S100 Budget Added radio buttons so user can select whether the architect’s project fee is a fixed Contract Fee or calculated as a % of the contract (construction) value.
838.17 Change EC#4285 General New Help links. The Help menu now has 3 new options: 1. Help Guides 2. FAQ 3. Release Notes Each will take you to the relevant page of the eTrack website. You will be prompted for a username and password that are both: dolphin42 Links to the old Help files have been removed. If you have old versions of eTrack Help files on your local machine or server, these can be deleted.
838.17 Change EC#4717 Invoices Added new option to the Invoice Batches filter called \"all exported\" which will filter invoices to show only those with a Batch Number.
838.17 Change S087b Invoices Invoices tab improvements with All checkbox, Invoice Template dropdown and export dialog. The list of invoice templates in the Template dropdown is now refreshed to reflect what is on the server (rather than listing templates previously used as this caused an error on print if the previously used template had since been deleted). Fixed ‘all’ checkbox so that a single click selects / unselects all invoices. Remove reference to ‘MYOB’ on the export dialog since export is compatible with multiple accounting packages.
838.11 Change EC#4706 Documents The Document Link Utility can now be configured to exclude OR include specific file types according to a user-defined filter list. The current behaviour to link to all file types in the Doc Path will remain the default. To apply a filter, enter one of the following under [options] in eTrack Settings and edit the extension list as required (minimum of one extension is required). Note the ‘;’ between each extension: DocumentLinkExcludeList=.exe;.dll;.jpg DocumentLinkIncludeList=.doc;.pdf;.xls;.docx If both options exist, only the Include option is applied. Note that ALL Folders in the Doc Path are linked to. If the folder on the server only contains excluded files, the linked folder in eTrack will be empty.
838 Change EC#4559 Reports Invoice Report: fixed value shown for Total (Inc GST) and added new column $ owing to show unpaid balance.
837.21 Change EC#4640 Security Add new permission to allow users to edit Timesheet Activities. Write access to various subtabs on stages is protected from the User security group. This setting allows users to edit the Timesheet Activities subtab while still maintaining the appropriate level of access for other areas. To enable go to User Security Group Settings and tick permission #199 Allow Timesheet Activity Editing.
834.04 Change EC#4589 Invoices On Invoices tab, Discount $ has been renamed to Paid Write off $. Use this to record amounts such as $ not paid (bad debt), rounding or discrepancies due to currency conversions etc
833.02 Change EC#4452 Invoices On the Invoices tab, each column that displays $ values now has a Total shown.
833 Change EC#4190 General All Details screens now have a rich text editing ribbon
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Provisional Sum to Construction Info tab
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Reason to Time Adjust register with lookup values of Weather, Variation and Other.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Added Status to Sum Adjust and Progress Claims construction registers.
832.06 Change none Contract Adminstration Removed Attachment (column) from all construction registers.
832.06 Change none Documents Created fields that can be inserted into documents for Total Approved Sum Adjusts and Total Approved Progress Claims.
832.06 Change none Documents Document Status lookup values are now Draft and Complete.
832.06 Change none Documents Documents exported to PDF format are now of a quality that can be selected and copied and edited with the right software. An options dialog is displayed when exporting to PDF.
832.06 Change none Documents Improved quality of images in documents on screen and in exported formats.
832.06 Change none Documents Improved speed of loading a document.
832 Change EC#3760 Contacts Removed Suburb field from Company details tab. Concatenated data to the City field.
823.53 Change EC#4364 Timesheets Improved usability of Timesheet Activity dropdown. 1. Removed [ ] when no Number field is set up. 2. Focus jumps to the first matching item in list when user types. 3. Dropdown resizes to show more items without scrolling.
823.26 Change EC#4003 Invoices Invoice To Date calculation Previously eTrack calculated the $Invoice To Date value (on the Project > Budget tab in the Price Structure table) when an invoice was printed. In the interim between creating and printing invoices this value did not match the total $Invoice on the Account Sheet. Now the $Invoice To Date value is calculated at the time the Invoice is created. Should you wish to maintain the old functionality add this to eTrack settings under [Options] InvoiceToDateCalc=1 With this setting only invoices with Invoice Status of ‘Printed’, ‘Exported’ or ‘Printed and Exported’ will be included in the $Invoice To Date value. A new hint on the $Invoice To Date column says which invoices are included based on the Option.
823.26 Change EC#4305 Reports Allow user to enter a date range when running a report for 'whole of office' Previously when a report was run from the top main menu (for whole of office) it used the default date range (current financial year). To make a report run for a user specified date range, tick Date Range on the Report Details Permissions tab. When the report is run the Gallery will be displayed allowing the user to enter a date range.
822.16 Change EC#4236 Notes On the Notifiy dialog Notify Date now defaults to today (was one month in future)
822.09 Change EC#3911 Notes Progress notes to allow entry of multiple note types On the Project Details tab and Stage Details > Progress Notes subtab, the Add Note dialog allows you to enter a note of any type (previously only notes of type ‘progress’ could be entered). Additionally the displayed list of notes can be filtered by note type. It will default to ‘Progress’ after login.
822.09 Change none General Date Types Many Date-type fields throughout eTrack have been changed so that dates can now only be selected from the calendar control and not typed directly into the field. Click or double-click in the field to display the calendar.
822.01 Change none Invoices Invoice Date On Invoices tab, Date To Invoice / Date Printed column has been renamed Invoice Date, date defaults to invoice entry from Account Sheet (if multiple invoice entries with different dates then newest date is used and all invoice entries are set to that date), date can be edited but not cleared (Clear Date removed from right-click menu), printing an invoice does not change the Invoice Date.
820.03 Change EC#4126 General Increase field size of Acronym field to 6 characters