Release Type Reference Area Summary Description
948.0 Change E#519 Security Increased security of access to items in the tree. Removed Explore from the tree of all users. Only users with security group permission #8 (access to admin settings) have access to Navigation under Settings and menu option \\\'show explore navigator\\\'.
946 Issue E#519 Security Prevented Explore in tree that could be a security risk The following changes have been made:• removed the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
940.12 Change Security Every Person, every Document and every Email can now have an “Access Level” that is a simple Integer. Users can only see Documents and Emails that have an Access Level equal or less than their own Access Level. The higher the Access Level the more secure the Document or Email is.To change the Access Level of a Person, click Settings (cog icon top right), click Login and Security and in the Security section change the Access Level.To change the Access Level of an Email, select the Email and change Access Level under References in the grey area.To change the Access Level of a Document, find the Document in the tree and double click it to show the Details tab. Select the Details tab and edit the Access Level Details field near the bottom. The default access level of a new email or document is the access level of the user that creates it.
854.4 Change EC#5067 Security Re-enabled override of Admin Delete Protected items for Administrator security group.
853.3 Change W194 Security Added new security group permission #204 Write Access to Dashboards to control which user groups can edit dashboard settings.
840.6 Issue EC#4600 Security Turn ON Type Setting #19 Hide Active Checkbox in Item Details for Person and Role
838.5 Issue EC#4578 Security Fixed bug where new security groups became orphaned.
837.21 Change EC#4640 Security Add new permission to allow users to edit Timesheet Activities. Write access to various subtabs on stages is protected from the User security group. This setting allows users to edit the Timesheet Activities subtab while still maintaining the appropriate level of access for other areas. To enable go to User Security Group Settings and tick permission #199 Allow Timesheet Activity Editing.
834.04 Issue EC#4527 Security Fixed issue where 'user' security group users could not tick checklist items or input details on new expenses even though the correct permissions were on.
823.26 Issue EC#3945 Security Removed access to view cost rates in reports for users without permission The Activity/Time report and Budget report search criteria dialog have Cost Rate as an option. This option is now read only when the user is in a security group where permission #50 Access Labour Costs is OFF.
819 Issue EC#4012 Security Enable type setting control of new and delete for construction registers The New and Delete buttons on RFI, Sum Adjust etc subtabs of a constuction are now enabled/disabled via Type Settings. 1. Go to Type Settings from the main menu. 2. Select RFI from the list on the left. 3. To allow users to create new RFIs untick #7 New Protected. To allow users to delete existing RFIs untick #4 Delete Protected. 4. Repeat for each register type: Adjustment of Time, Contract Instruction, Contract Sum Adjust, Defect, Insurance, Progress Claim, Progress Payment Certificate, Progress Report By default, #4 is ticked and #7 is unticked ie: users can create new but not delete.
816.03 Issue EC#4080 Security The Standard Time/Activity Report will only display the charge rates if user Security Group setting #4 (access labour charges) is set.