NDIS Feature Focus

Invoice Service Dates

By February 11, 2022 March 19th, 2024 No Comments

It is likely your Plan-Managers will request a list of the Service Dates for all claims.  By default, eTrack will attach a report of these to all Invoice Emails along with the Tax Invoice.

Each Invoice Email will have two attachments.  The Tax Invoice (that displays one row per Support Line Item / Activity Code), and the Invoice Details with the Service Dates.


  • To preview the Service Dates, right click on an Invoice in the Invoice tab and select ‘Invoice Details…’
  • To NOT include the Service Dates report in a Participant’s Invoice Email, select their Plan and at the bottom of the Budget tab, untick the checkbox:
  • The separate Tax Invoice attachment lists the total hours (or units) and rates for each Activity Code (Support Line Item) which is typically the same information exported to your accounting package.


Please let us know of other requests to keep your Plan Managers happy.   [email protected]