NDIS Feature Focus

NDIS Portal Upload

By April 1, 2020 May 17th, 2024 No Comments

If you are NDIS registered and have Agency Managed Participants then eTrack can be used to prepare an ‘NDIS Upload’ .csv file.


Key Features

  • Simple intuitive interface with one ‘NDIS Upload’ tab for one or all Participants.
  • A unique Upload # is assigned to all Service Dates in the NDIS Upload file. This allows easy and accurate retrieval of Booked Time and KM etc.
  • You may Repeat an upload with overlapping dates without uploading the same Service Dates twice.
  • Upload Filename includes the Upload # and date range for easy auditing.

User Guide

  1. Select Active on the left or a Participant
  2. Click ‘NDIS Upload tab. This looks like the old NDIS Check tab that no longer exists.
  3. Pick a date range (this CAN be a date range you have used before).
    Optionally click Analyse and further filter the rows to display the ones you want to include.
  4. Click ‘NDIS Export’ button.
    This will create the .csv file in the correct format and assign a unique Upload # to each row.
    All displayed rows that don’t have an Upload # will be included.
    Do not use the Export button as this will be in the wrong format, eTrack will warn you!
  5. The Filename created now includes the Upload #. Due to the NDIS limit of 16 characters there isn’t room for the year to be displayed twice, so have chosen this format…

<Upload# >-<from date mm/dd>-<to date mm/dd><Initials>.csv

<Upload#> starts with the year followed by a sequential number, eg 2301
<Initials> are those of the selected Participant’s or the first letter of the Participant Status Group, eg A for Active

For example:
2301-0101-3101JS.csv  = Upload #1 from 01/01/23 to 31/01/23 for John Smith.

2302-0101-3101A.csv = Upload #2 from 01/01/23 to 31/01/23 run from Active Participants.


  1. To display entries from a previous Upload, click Views button and tick ‘Select Upload #’ and enter a number like 2301
  2. Alternatively click the v in the Upload # column and tick the Upload # you require.
  3. To Clear an Upload # click ‘Clear Upload #’ button.
  4. To export to PDF and other formats click the Export… button as before.
    Do not use the Export button to create a csv file for the NDIS portal.