NDIS Feature Focus

Service Forecasts + Provider Tracking

By March 1, 2023 May 31st, 2023 No Comments

eTrack Services Registers or Forecasting track the complete Participant’s budget across all Service Categories (not just the ones you are booking time to).

They also track the separate Provider Services and reconcile against NDIS Allocated Budgets.

Select a Participant’s Plan and click the ‘Services’ tab.
Click New and select a Category from the dropdown.
Enter the Total Budget and Allocated Budget taken from the NDIS Portal.

The Cost $ calculation from the bottom table and the Allocated Budget manually entered from the NDIS Portal are displayed separately so any differences may be identified.


Provider Allocations

Select a row in the top table and a second table underneath may be optionally used to record allocated Providers for the selected Category.

Click the New button in the bottom table and under Providers select Find…   The Provider must first exist under Contacts/Providers before adding.

Enter the Quantity and Amount.  For a fixed amount enter Quantity=1.   Optionally also enter an amount for reporting in the ‘Report $’ field.

In the top table ‘Cost $’ = Quantity * Rate $ + Report $.



When finished click the View button and select ‘By Funding Area’ to group by Funding Area.

To delete a row, click in the row and click the Delete button.


How to Edit Service Categories

The default Categories as shown in the tables below may be changed by logging on as an Administrator and expanding Setup/Services.

Use the New button top left, right click Edit/Delete and Edit/Rename to make changes to the list of Service Categories for each Service Funding Areas as required.