NDIS Feature Focus

Non-Billable Time

By February 24, 2024 February 21st, 2025 No Comments

To minimise payment rejections eTrack prevents users going over a plan budget. Hours over budget can be booked to a different Support Item or as ‘Non-Billable’.

It is easy to change time between non-billable and billable and vice versa (for example if the NDIS increases the budget or issues a new Plan).

• Plan Budget tab explained
• No more over booking and having to handle rejections
• Change time between Non-Billable and Billable
• Prevent non-billable hours being booked when hours Left = 0
• Differences between ‘my NDIS’ and eTrack budgets
• Book time to Billable and Non-billable on the same Day
• Filter Time and Expense tabs by Non-Billable

Plan Budget tab explained

The Plan Budget tab shows Billable and Non-Billable hours booked.

Plan Hours          Total of Participant’s budget / Bill Rate
Billable                  Total Billable Hours and Expenses done

Non Billable        Total Hours and Expenses done flagged as ‘Non Billable’.

Hours Left           Plan – Billable Done   (excludes Non-Billable time)

Bill Rate               From the NDIS Price Guide for Line Item selected in the Budget table.
Over Booked      Hours booked more than the Plan hours (prevented from happening for new plans).

Invoiced               Invoices sent to Plan and Self-managed Participants plus NDIS Upload time.
To Bill                   Billable Done  –  Invoiced

The Time tabs show a ‘Non-Billable’ column that can be filtered by clicking the header.

No more over booking and having to handle rejections

To prevent rejections, the Book Time dialog now stops you booking billable hours or expenses to a Budget Item that has no budget left (Left = 0).

If you book more than the hours Left you are prompted to only book the Left hours as billable and to make a separate booking for the remainder as either non-billable or to another Budget Item that does have Left hours.

Change time between Non-Billable and Billable

You can now easily change time from billable to/from non-billable.

  1. Select the Time tab on a Participant (or Plan, Staff Member, Active etc or Current Staff), or the Reconcile Payments Tab.
  2. Optionally select a date range and click Analyse to filter the displayed time (see here for help on Analyse).
  3. There is a ‘Change’ menu item that changes all displayed rows to billable
    or non-billable.
  4.  Changing billable/non-billable can be done in conjunction with moving rows to another plan or different support/budget item.
    •  To move all displayed rows to another Plan AND also change billable/non-billable, select Change > Plan..
      On the ‘Move Time Between Plans’ dialog, choose if to make all moved time billable or non-billable.
    • To change the budget and/or support item AND also change billable/non-billable, select Change > Support & Budget Line Items…
      On the ‘Book Time and Expense’ dialog, choose if to make all moved time billable or non-billable

  5. To change just one row, right-click to access the same Change menu.

Prevent non-billable hours being booked when hours Left = 0

To guide users to book Non Billable hours to specified Support Items, there is a setting on each Support Item to prevent non billable hours being booked.
– Expand Setup/Prices/Support Items and select the Support item
– In the tab on the right untick [ ] Allow Non Billable

In this case, when you select a Budget item that has no hours left (Left=0) eTrack displays a warning and you must either

Choose a different budget item with budget (if exists)
Choose a different budget item that allows non-billable (if available).

There is a setting to prevent staff ever booking to Non Billable. Contact eTrack Support to enable it (ref: Security 228).

Differences between ‘my NDIS’ and eTrack budgets

Booking time in eTrack updates the eTrack budgets immediately so there will be a difference between NDIS Hours (Spent and Remaining) in “my NDIS” and those in eTrack due to the time it takes to invoice and the NDIS time to process claims.

‘Remaining’ budget in ‘my NDIS’ = eTrack Left (not used) + To Bill (not invoiced) + hours not processed by NDIS yet.

Book time to Billable and Non-billable on the same Day

You can now book billable and non-billable time or KM to the same Support Line Item on the same day.     In the Book Time dialog, enter time and click Book Time as normal.   Then do the same again with the same Support Item and tick the [x] Non billable checkbox.

Examples of scenarios where this may be needed include:

  1. At the end of a Plan where you have done more than the remaining budget and yet want to record all your hours.
  2. A trainee staff member recording all hours but only billing the time a trained person would have used.
  3. Recording part Probono work

Filter Time and Expense tabs by Non-Billable

The Billable column has been added to the Time and Expense tabs on Active and Participants etc.
Click the header of the ‘Billable’ column to sort, filter by clicking the little v in the header, or group by clicking Analyse >> and clicking Group / Billable.